Friday, March 14, 2008

Parent, Teachers, and Staff...Oh My!!!

Where, oh where, is my yellow brick road???

"You, my friend, are a victim of disorganized thinking. You are under the unfortunate impression that just because you run away you have no courage; you're confusing courage with wisdom." ---Wizard of Oz

I do this so much...I run away without thinking about what I'm actually doing. It's that whole "fight or flight" thing, where you decide to either scream or cower. I tend to do the latter, but I like to think I'm getting better. Just last week I quit a part-time job that was literally sucking the life from me. Instead, I applied at the local library and was hired earlier this week! To me, that was not a choice made in a lack of courage, but one made with the wisdom that I can do better things with my time.

Por exemplo: In a situation I am currently experiencing (notice the passive voice), there are several factors that would indicate my cowardess. But the reality is, I am just waiting for the wisdom to make the right decision. Right?


While I'm not a professional by any means, I have successfully survived my second set of parent/teacher conferences. A few thoughts:

  1. Next year, just give every child 98%. No worries. No irate parents. No incomplete assignments. And most importantly, no grading!

  2. Sitting for five hours straight is painful. Sitting for five hours straight in a large, cold room with no refreshments is mind-numbingly painful.

  3. Being a teacher is awesome. If I was having any doubts about teaching, they are (mostly) dispelled. I really do like this, and I really think I am good at it.

  4. Crossword puzzles, word searches, and sudokos must have been invented by a teacher. Without them, faculty meetings and conferences would be literally unbearable.

  5. DO NOT ask a student's father if he happens to have a younger brother.

  6. DO ask a student's mother where she gets her hair/nails done.

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