Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Traditions

Listening to the news lately, one might think that Christmas is actually just a date from which pre- and post-Christmas sales are advertised.The famous "pre-pre-Christmas 40% off with purchase of $100" sale. Or the classic "now Christmas is over and we need to get ready for Valentine's Day" sale. I found this draw far too enticing, and ventured into the world of retail madness -aka, the mall - today. It was packed with evey imaginable shopper, from the group of 8-year-olds looking for Hannah Montana wigs ($4.99 marked down from $13.97) to the mother-father teams scouring JCPenney for clearance baby clothes. And yes, I was there trying to sift through the piles of clothing at Rue 21 for a new pair of jeans (which I found for Buy One, Get One 50% off). Am I a hypocrite? Possibly...except for the fact that my shopping habits had nothing to do with the holiday sales. I simply needed a pair of jeans for "Casual Monday" next week. And, I must admit, I love to watch the shoppers wander in and out of the various stores with friends, parents, and complete strangers. Have you ever stood in line behind someone and held a casual conversation about, say, the new Hallmark Store, only to find her browsing through Waldenbooks as you enter? Do you stop and make a witty remark ("great minds think alike!") or do you nod and continue searching for the newest Oprah Book Club selection? I still haven't mastered mall etiquette.

On another note, when I moved into my apartment complex, I had no idea that I would be mere yards from the biggest light display in the region. The local park runs the Christmas light show every day through December. Seeing this after a long day of teaching really brightens the rest of my evening.

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